PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #575 (“The Last Independence Day?”)

July 8, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #575 (“The Last Independence Day?”) Mike lets the music tell a dystopian story that would never happen… would it?   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are over 415 podcasts available now!). Contact Mike via Email at: ˅˅˅˅˅˅˅˅Most importantly, SUBSCRIBE TO […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #517 (“A Crazy Journey”)

May 16, 2023

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #517 (“A Crazy Journey”) Golden Tracks Feature:  Journey from the crazy world to the future… 50 years ago. Plus a LOT of great new music! PLAYLIST: Arthur Brown’s Kingdom Come – “Conception” from Journey on Esoteric (1973) [01:26] Polychrome – “Welcome” from Equilibrium on Polychrome (2023) [03:29] Arthur Brown’s Kingdom Come – “Come […]


April 11, 2023

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #512 (4-10-2023) “On Our Own Terms” The show hosts a World Premiere Track from an artist whose output sounds as if Jackson Pollock were a member of the group. Sadly, we’ll also have some necessary tributes. Be the very first to hear music that is truly unique! PLAYLIST: Chaos and The […]


April 4, 2023

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #511 “Avant R’ Us” This week’s Golden Tracks Feature album is a legendary avant prog album from 1973. There will also be plenty of new music that owes a debt to this classic album. If you like your music a bit ‘off-center’, this is your show! PLAYLIST: Ángel Ontalva – “Free […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #486 (“A(n) (Ab)Normal Week”)

October 11, 2022

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #486 (“A[n] [Ab]Normal Week”) Mike doesn’t like the tag ‘abnormal’… so it’s going to be a typically atypical week of music on this week’s show. PLAYLIST: Custard Flux – “Station” from Phosphorus on Custard Flux (2022) [01:32] The Mommyheads – “Distill Your Love Into That Dying Light” from Genius Killer on […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #387 (It’s Getting Weird Out There!)

October 27, 2020

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #387 (It’s Getting Weird Out There!) Despite the weirdness, progressive rock artists keep doing what they do best… creating great music. Do their creations reflect the weird times? How could they NOT? Dustman Dilemma – “Third Sigh” from Third Sigh on Létourneur (2020) Dustman Dilemma – “The Bunk” from Third Sigh […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #383 (Size Doesn’t Matter)

September 29, 2020

Progressive Tracks Show #383 (Size Doesn’t Matter) This size of the b and doesn’t matter…just the level of talent contained in the b and. We have much new music of all sizes to explore this week… including a WORLD PREMIERE! Adult Cinema – “Flowers (Fallout Version) from Teaser Trailer on Illicit Recordings (2016) Arcade Messiah […]