PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #578 (“The Blandness Of New York City”)

July 30, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #578 (“The Blandness of New York City”) Mike’s in a New York state of mind this week, in an attempt to disprove a statement posed to him that “New York City music is bland”. NOTE:  This was an easy show for Mike to do.   ;o) PLAYLIST: Time Of Orchids – “Same […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #530 (“International sTRANGE Music Day 2023”)

August 22, 2023

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #530 (“International sTRANGE Music Day 2023”) Mike once again celebrates the day dedicated to listening to music you usually don’t listen to: International sTRANGE Music Day! If you’ve never heard ProgTracks, perhaps now’s the time to try it. And if you have, it’s guaranteed to be a bit different. PLAYLIST: Cosmos […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #480 (“2022 International Strange Music Day”)

August 30, 2022

  THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #480 (“2022 International Strange Music Day”) He’s BAAAACK! As promised, Mike’s back to celebrate International Strange Music Day… the day reserved to listen to music you don’t normally listen to. Now doesn’t THAT just seem a perfect day for the ProgTracks Show? Well, it is, so check it out! PLAYLIST: […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #429 (“International sTRANGE music Day 2021”)

August 24, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #429 (“International sTRANGE music Day 2021”) It’s time once again to celebrate International sTRANGE music Day! Is there another day more suited to The Progressive Tracks Show?  Mike doubts it! Come listen to music you wouldn’t otherwise hear. PLAYLIST: Johnny Unicorn – “Dream Breaker” from Heavy Jugs To The Moon on […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #378 (International sTRANGE Music Day)

August 25, 2020

Progressive Tracks Show #378 (International sTRANGE Music Day) Yes, International sTRANGE Music Day is a thing… and a great thing it is!  August 24th is a day to listen to unfamiliar and/or bizarre music to broaden not only your musical horizons…but your horizons in general. This is a day perfectly suited to The Progressive Tracks […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #296 (Music That Will Change You)

January 22, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #296  (Music That Will Change You) Music has the power to change you… if you only listen. This week’s playlist contains powerful tunes that will suck you in, and leave you… well, different. Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are 135 now!). PLAYLIST: Patrick Grant […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #284 (Halloween 2018)

October 30, 2018

Halloween (All Hallow’s Eve… All Saint’s Eve… Samhain… however you refer to it) is upon us. So it’s time for us to explore some appropriately dark music, don’t you think? Good!   I’m glad we agree.   Let’s get digging then… Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are 123 now!). – […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #282 (Bottom Line: No Theme)

October 16, 2018

When a theme doesn’t come to me, I don’t ‘force it’… Besides, the music in this show will stand on its own! So take time to relax, put on your headphones, and immerse yourself in some quality new progressive rock. It may well be the most illuminating part of your day. Remember, you can access […]