101 Dimensions – 27/28 April 2024

May 2, 2024

The 101 Dimensions program for 27/28 April 2024 includes music from Bergeton, Vinyl Dial, Antony Kalugin, Ashra, and Le Grande Sbam! https://feedpress.me/link/14857/16671524/101_DImensions_-_April_2024apcxl.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 19th Dec 2022

December 20, 2022

One week to go before the BIG DAY, our next show goes out LIVE on Progzilla on Boxing Day, hope you can join us and you’re not too wasted after over-indulging the day/nght before. Enjoy the show and we’ll catch you next week. Stay Frosty guys – Steve & Lou xxx This week………… Spock’s Beard […]

101 Dimensions Podcast Is Available!

May 11, 2017

If you missed last weekend’s 101 Dimensions, you can still listen HERE Here’s what’s on tap: 1. Erik Norlander – The Dark Water (from the album The Galactic Collective, 2010) 2. Synergy – Legacy; Slaughter On Tenth Avenue, and Synergy (from the album Electronic Realizations For Rock Orchestra, 1975) 3. Ashra – Morgana Da Capo; […]

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