Prog-Watch 1013 – Variety with Prog Magazine Artists

March 30, 2023

Great sounds abound on this week’s Prog-Watch! Tune in to hear fabulous stuff from Envy of None, The Prog Collective, Prog Gnosis, Mystery, Keith McCoy, Great Wide Nothing, EBB, BangTower, Liquid Sound Company and Herd of Instinct, Spriggan Mist, Shell Beach, and Kite Parade! For more about EBB and Shell Beach, check out the Lime […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #509 (“The Full Spectrum”)

March 21, 2023

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #509 “The Full Spectrum” ​This week includes a musical tribute, new music discoveries, a Golden Tracks Album feature… and a special announcement. That’s a LOT to pack into a show! PLAYLIST: Jack Lancaster & Robin Lumley – “Take Off- Into Earth Orbit”  from Marscape on Ozone Records (1976) [01:32] Jack Lancaster […]