101 Dimensions – 27/28 April 2024

May 2, 2024

The 101 Dimensions program for 27/28 April 2024 includes music from Bergeton, Vinyl Dial, Antony Kalugin, Ashra, and Le Grande Sbam! https://feedpress.me/link/14857/16671524/101_DImensions_-_April_2024apcxl.mp3Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS

The Podcast of Prog-Watch 751 is Available at Progwatch.com!

December 31, 2020

More great, new, astounding progressive sounds await on this week’s Prog-Watch! We’ll hear music from Hyco, The Weever Sands, Jump, Great Wide Nothing, Violent Silence and Antony Kalugin! Plus, our friend and resident reviewer, Dr. Rob Fisher, will take us on a voyage of Progressive Discovery with the latest album by Tony Lowe’s ESP Project! […]

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The Podcast of Prog-Watch 749 is Available

December 10, 2020

Tons of tasty tunes abound on this week’s Prog-Watch! Prick up your ears to hear great stuff from Jakko Jakszyk, Anèma, Jim Griffin, Antony Kalugin, Laura Piazzai, IT, Gandalf’s Fist, Potter’s Daughter, Circu5, Logos, Dyble/Longdon, and Tiger Moth Tales! http://progwatch.com/749/  

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