PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #575 (“The Last Independence Day?”)

July 8, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #575 (“The Last Independence Day?”) Mike lets the music tell a dystopian story that would never happen… would it?   ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are over 415 podcasts available now!). Contact Mike via Email at: ˅˅˅˅˅˅˅˅Most importantly, SUBSCRIBE TO […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #380 (Labor Day…but is anybody really laboring?)

September 8, 2020

Progressive Tracks Show #380 (Labor Day… but is anybody really laboring?) This is the strangest Labor Day Weekend ever… especially if you’re used to playing or listening to live music.  So this week it’s all live tracks to provide some sense of normalcy. You’re welcome. Rush – “What You’re Doing/Working Man” from R40 Live on […]