PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #483 (“What Is Progressive, Anyway?”)

September 20, 2022

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #483 (“What Is Progressive, Anyway?”) Hate to disappoint, but you’ll not get any answers from Mike… But you WILL get a lot of excellent music! PLAYLIST: Peter Lawson-Venus Loon – ‘New Puritan State” from Havoc (with Wolfgang Ostermann) on Aumega Project (2022) [01:30] The Mommyheads – “First Five Seconds” from Genius […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #481 (“Labo[u]r Day 2022”)

September 6, 2022

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #481 (“Labo[u]r Day 2022”) This week we celebrate the hardworking men and women in the United States with some music… ProgTracks style. PLAYLIST: Rush – “Working Man” from Rush on Moon Records (1974) [01:33] Red Bazar – “Take Control” from Inverted Reality on White Knight Records (2022) [08:43] Rioghan – “Bruises” […]