November 21, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #236 (Under The Radar), originally broadcast on Friday, November 17, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. An abundance of talent doesn’t always equate to wide recognition; the artists on this show are great examples of ‘talent flying under the radar’.   And while I can’t guarantee […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #235 (Seasonal Transition)

November 14, 2017

  The Progressive Tracks Show #235 (Seasonal Transition), originally broadcast on Friday, November 10, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. The transition from Autumn to Winter often comes quickly… and wonder that accompanies this change.  This week we’ll explore music to help ease your transition to the white, wet […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #234 (Life Ch-ch-ch-Changes)

November 7, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #234 (Life Ch-ch-ch-Changes), originally broadcast on Friday, November 3, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. I was running out of time to think of an appropriate theme for this week’s show, when I discovered an old file labeled “Spare Tracks”.  When I looked closely, I […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #233 (Descent Into Madness… A Halloween Tale)

October 31, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #233 (Descent Into Madness… A Halloween Tale), originally broadcast on Friday, October 27, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. Not just Halloween music… but music that tells a Halloween story about someone you may know quite well.  This is one to really listen to with […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #232 (How The World Turns)

October 24, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #232 (How The World Turns), originally broadcast on Friday, October 20, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. This week’s show features some independent artists, some brand a real Prog World tragedy. Find out how you can help! PLAYLIST: The Mothers of Invention – “Plastic People” from Absolutely […]


October 17, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #231 (In A ProgTracks Mood), originally broadcast on Friday, October 13, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. After being challenged by a listener to ‘lighten up’, dump the gloom, and another Golden Tracks album that is turning 50. Listen in to see if I can […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #230 (Beginnings… Endings… and Continuations)

October 10, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #230 (Beginnings… Endings… and Continuations), originally broadcast on Friday, October 6, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. The show’s title really says it all; we’ll explore tracks that represent the start, the end, or the continuing content of various artists in the Prog World. PLAYLIST: […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #229 (Capturing Moments In A Jar)

September 26, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #229 (Capturing Moments In A Jar), originally broadcast on Friday, September 22, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. Life’s moments can be good or bad… but they’re all worth capturing.   So see if you can capture some musical memories as you listen to this podcast. […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #228 (Escapism… Heading South)

September 19, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #228 (Escapism… Heading South), originally broadcast on Friday, September 15, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. Last week’s show was reflective and escape.  Direction: South.  Change is good; inner change is even better! PLAYLIST: Mondo Drag “Zephyr” from Mondo Drag on Kozmik Artifactz Os Mutantes “Once Upon A Flight” from Fool […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #227 (Impending Doom?)

September 12, 2017

The Progressive Tracks Show #227 (Impending Doom), originally broadcast on Friday, September 8, 2017, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. So can I have a show of hands… who’s getting nervous about everything that’s going on in the world right now?  Hmmm… seems quite a few of us are feeling […]