May 28, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #569 (“Back In The Race”) ​DJs produce…produce…produce…and sometimes motivation runs low. But it seems there are always artists and music that provide that much-needed boost, just at the right time. You’ll hear some of them on this week’s show!    Oh, and Mike also has some ‘ProgTracks-appropriate’ music for Memorial Day as well. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #561 (“Back On The Normal Path”)

April 2, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #561 (“Back On The Normal Path”) After some unusual weeks, Mike’s back on the ‘normal path’ featuring new progressive music and Golden Tracks Album feature(s)… and this path’s a good ‘un. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are over 400 podcasts available […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #374 (Magick For Your Head)

July 28, 2020

Progressive Tracks Show #374 (Magick For Your Head) Over the past 7+ years, this show has morphed from a trial project… to a weekly radio mission, delivering excellent music to feed your head. So this week, um… we’ll provide some ‘head magick’! Soft Machine – “Out-Bloody-Intro” from Live at the Baked Potato on Dyad Records […]