PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #578 (“The Blandness Of New York City”)

July 30, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #578 (“The Blandness of New York City”) Mike’s in a New York state of mind this week, in an attempt to disprove a statement posed to him that “New York City music is bland”. NOTE:  This was an easy show for Mike to do.   ;o) PLAYLIST: Time Of Orchids – “Same […]


March 11, 2024

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #559 (“I. AM.”) How would you complete the phrase “I am ____”? How would your friendly neighborhood DJ complete it? Now’s your chance to find out. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are over 400 podcasts available now!). Contact Mike via Email […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #468 (“It’s Genius, I Tell Ya…”)

May 24, 2022

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #468 (“It’s Genius, I Tell Ya…”) Mike’s in one of his moods again… so this week’s music will have a certain ‘flair’. Mike says it’s “genius” (of course, Mike says a lot of things… but this time he’s correct). PLAYLIST: MOVING GELATINE PLATES – “Moving Theme” from The World of Genius […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #284 (Halloween 2018)

October 30, 2018

Halloween (All Hallow’s Eve… All Saint’s Eve… Samhain… however you refer to it) is upon us. So it’s time for us to explore some appropriately dark music, don’t you think? Good!   I’m glad we agree.   Let’s get digging then… Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are 123 now!). – […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #272 (Theme? Who Said Anything About A Theme?)

July 31, 2018

Progressive Tracks Show #272 (Theme?  Who Said Anything About A Theme?), originally broadcast on Saturday, July 28, 2018, is now available to download or listen to anytime you desire. In most weeks, The Progressive Tracks Show plays music around a specific theme.  That may also be the case this week… I’m just not going to […]