PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #301 (Continuing to ‘Generate’)

February 26, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #301  (Continuing to ‘Generate’) Welcome to the 2nd set of 300 editions of The Progressive Tracks Show… as I continue to ‘generate’ sound with the help of some amazing artists! Some shows are pleasing… others are ‘interesting’. This particular one may fall into that ‘interesting’ category. It’ll be top-notch music, designed […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #300 (…And The Shows Fell, One By One)

February 19, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #300  (…And The Shows Fell, One By One) 300 Progressive Tracks shows don’t seem a lot, against the multitudes of invading music shows. But, if you’re a student of history, you know that quantity has little to do with strength. Despite overwhelming odds, ProgTracks has led his listeners over the past […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #299 (Yesterday and Today)

February 12, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #299  (Yesterday and Today) This week we’ll explore some new music from new band pay tribute to a jazz-fusion artist who recently left us.  Yes, 50 years of great progressive rock! Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are 138 now!). PLAYLIST: Kraan – “Bandits In […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #298 (Considering The Future)

February 5, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #298 (Considering The Future) Things change in an instant…..Life goes on as it usually does, until the unexpected occurs… and your life is forever changed. Well, that’s us… but what about countries, and society as a whole? Change there is slower… or so it seems. But despite the perceived stagnation… change does […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #297 (Negotiating Life’s Gates)

January 29, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #296 (Music That Will Change You) As we live our lives, we pass through portals/gates… significant events that present opportunities for real change… on the way to knowing our true selves. Yes, (good or bad) it’s another one of those ‘themed’ shows…   ;o) Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #296 (Music That Will Change You)

January 22, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #296  (Music That Will Change You) Music has the power to change you… if you only listen. This week’s playlist contains powerful tunes that will suck you in, and leave you… well, different. Remember, you can access podcasts of any previous Progressive Tracks Show at: (there are 135 now!). PLAYLIST: Patrick Grant […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #295 (Confusion… Will Not Be OUR Epitaph)

January 15, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #295  (Confusion… Will Not Be OUR Epitaph) We’re celebrating this week!  What, you ask? Well… what happened 50 years ago this week?  C’mon ProgHeads… think! Besides spilling the beans, I’ll play some excellent tunes which keep the spirit of art rock alive… while moving it forward in their own way. Remember, […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #294 (Hitting The Ground Progging in 2019)

January 8, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #294  (Hitting The Ground Progging In 2019) 2018 is over… but that doesn’t mean the great music has ended.  This week is simple: We’ll be listening to some artists with recent (and very recent) music that I’ve discovered. See?   Prog doesn’t have to be complicated. Remember, you can access podcasts of […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #293 (The Best of Prog – 2018)

January 1, 2019

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #293  (The Best of Prog – 2018) This is it! The culmination of a great year in Progressive Rock: The Progressive Tracks Show Best of Prog for 2018. Congratulations to all the artists for making such exceptional music for us ProgHeads. We will Prog On hard this week! Remember, you can […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #292 (A Present Of Great Sounding Tunes)

December 25, 2018

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #292  (A Present of Great Sounding Tunes) Last week we celebrated ProgMas. So now that it’s the actual week of Christmas, what’s left, except to give you faithful listeners your present? Of course it’s a gift of music! What else could it be?    ;o) This week I’ve hand maybe even […]