Whimsical Creature

Whimsical Creature
I Am The Manic Whale’s main man and flautist explore their acoustic side
A campfire conversation at the end of last year’s (2024) summer holiday ignited a musical spark for I Am The Manic Whale’s Michael Whiteman and his close friend, flautist Ella Lloyd, who has played on all the band’s albums.
“We were sitting up really late looking up at the stars and just chatting about music, when we had the idea that we could write some music together- just the two of us,” recalls Whiteman.
That campfire “eureka” moment resulted in //The Stargazer//, their first song as Whimsical Creature.
It’s early days for the musical pairing but already, they have performed their first gig together at a Reading church, playing //The Stargazer//, Chris Squire’s //Run With The Fox// plus a few Manic Whale songs.
Whiteman explains: “This is very much an organic project. We would like to do an album, but we are not rushing. We’ve two more songs which are just about finished, and I’ve got sketches for three or more.”
In true Manic Whale fashion, the song topics are quirky and diverse. //A Journey of Five Lifetimes//, Whiteman explains, is about the monarch butterfly’s migration from Mexico to Canada and back again, all in the space of the year.
One about the Eurostar, totally within Manic Whale territory, is also in development as is possibly the first murder mystery set to music. “It’s a mystery with a twist in the tale so it could well end up becoming a long song,” Whiteman laughs.
He makes the demos in his studio, initially on piano or guitar, then sketches out ideas for Lloyd’s flute lines. “Sometimes they don’t work so we try things out and she changes them around.”
The songs also feature Lloyd on autoharp. Whiteman remarks: “The autoharp adds a really interesting textural element. It sounds a bit like a guitar but has way more strings than my 12 string guitar. It really has a spooky sound to it which I really love, and I think it works really nicely with the guitar and the piano in the songs we worked on so far.”
“I think that’s the pattern for the album, the songs will sound like a full band, but all played by the two of us. However, when we play live, it will be stripped back. I think one of the tests of a good song is: does it stand up when you take away all the bells and whistles, and the fiddly bits?
“It’s fun and it’s a good outlet for my creativity. Ella is very musical, plays lots of instruments. She’s not really been in a band before, but she enjoyed the first concert we did together.”
Whiteman has also been writing again with Ryo Okumoto (Spock’s Beard) on a follow-up to the keyboard maestro’s solo album, //Myth Of The Mostrophous//.
However, Manic Whale gigs have been put on temporary hold, mainly due to drummer Ben Hartley moving to Scotland.
“I am focussing on writing for Whimsical Creature as Manic Whale gigs need a bit more planning now!” AR
LINE-UP: Michael Whiteman (drums, bass, piano, guitars, vocals), Ella Lloyd (flute, autoharp, vocals)
SOUNDS LIKE: Uplifting, lilting acoustic prog that tips its cap to Big Big Train’s folkier moments.
CURRENT RELEASE: //The Stargazer// is out now
WEBSITE: https://whimsicalcreature.bandcamp.com
— Alison Reijman
From "Limelight - Whimsical Creature" Prog
Issue 158 Reprinted with permission.