The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 9th May 2024

May 10, 2024

Well, it’s certainly been WAYYYYYY warmer in the UK this week and it’s about to get even hotter as we present this week’s uber special limited edition of The Lost Art, brining you only the very best and the very latest in Prog. Join us for the next three hours and prepare to be shaken […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 2nd May 2024 inc Billy Sherwood Interview

May 3, 2024

Let’s Do This – Another three hour blast of all things PROG and this week, we have the distinct pleasure of welcoming the legend Billy Sherwood along for a little chatipoos. Hope you can join us, you know it makes sense !! – Love & Hugz, Steve & Lou xx This Time……….. Glass Island – […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 25th April 2024 inc Adam Holzman interview

April 26, 2024

A VERY special edition this week guys. Not only do we have a selection of only the FINEST cuts of Progressive Rock, but we also have a chat with Adam Holzman (Steven Wilson, Miles Davis, Trifetca) lined up for you, how spoilt are you !!! Dive in and enjoy the refreshing water, Steve & Lou […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 18th April 2024

April 19, 2024

Another bumper week guys as we conclude our “Got You Covered” series with PART 3. In addition, Rita brings some quality tuneage to the table and there’s even time to fit in some new stuff for ya. Look forward to entertaining you  – Steve & Lou xx BTW – ELP fans are in for a […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 4th April 2024

April 5, 2024

How you all doin’ ?? Hope your Easter and Bank Holiday weekend went well. This week’s show is a thing of three parts – First part – Got You Covered Part 2, Middle section devoted to our lady and you’ll be pleased to know she is very much “Proggy Priscilla” this week and in the […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 28th March 2024

March 29, 2024

Well, here we are again. Another Bank Holiday and if you’re sensible, you’ll stay  home, stay local coz it’s HELL out there on the roads. Why anyone would inflict that level of stress WILLINGLY is beyond me, but there you go, some (or indeed MANY) do and will, amazing. Anyway, if you do decide to […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 21st March 2024

March 22, 2024

She’s back with a vengeance !!! Raucous Rita is in the house, reeking havoc once again. But rest assured we still have some “Proper Prog” for ya. So click away and enjoy the show – Steve & Lou xx This Week. Van Der Graaf Generator – Killer Cosmograf – Arcade Machine (Live) The Tangent – […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 14th March 2024

March 15, 2024

Here we are again with yet another 3 hour Prog spectacular and this week sees the return of our lady, after a two week break, but rest assured Rita is still in hibernation (for now, he he). Yes, we truly believe we have yet again brought you “the goods”. So get yourself a brew, sit […]

“Got You Covered” – A Lost Art Special with Steve G 7th March 2024

March 8, 2024

As I was pretty much tied up with running a three day Prog festival last weekend (to say the least), thought I’d throw together something a little different. A whole three hour show dedicated to covers (and we ain’t talking about pillow cases, tablecloths or tea cosies !!). Check out all your fave bands taking […]

The Lost Art with Steve & Lou 22nd Feb 2024

February 23, 2024

What am I like !!! This should have gone out “LIVE” at 8.00pm on 22nd Feb, but guess who totally and utterly forgot to upload it in time, doh !! Anyway, here you go people, last week’s show is now good to go, so better late than never eh ??? No interviews, no band spotlight […]