March 2, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #405 (“Life Is Weird”) Life.  Is.  Weird. Sometimes you have to look inward to figure out just why that is so. Can you do this with music?  We can attempt to find out… PLAYLIST: Yes – “Clap (Studio Version)” from The Yes Album (2014 Remix) on Pangyric (1971) Diagonal – “Spinning […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #404 (“404… But Not An Error”)

February 23, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #404 (“404… But Not An Error”) After contemplating last week whether the numbering of shows has a purpose, wouldn’t you know that this week’s show is #404… commonly associated with computer errors. Well, be assured this show is no error… it’s filled with excellent new, classic, and tribute tracks. Tune in… […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #403 (What’s in a Number, Anyway?)

February 16, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #403 (What’s in a Number, Anyway?) Mike’s not keeping track of anything this week… just playing great music.  Some new, some classic… including an overdue tribute to an amazing rhythm section who left us in 2020. PLAYLIST: The Crown – “Surfing the RF” from Surfing the RF – Single on Independent […]


February 9, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #401 (Prog Diversity) Diversity of styles has never been an issue with Progressive Rock. Neither has it ever been with The Progressive Tracks Show. This edition is no different… because it too, is ‘different’. PLAYLIST: Karaba – “Levent” from Pheremon Crumble Wax on Kryptox (2020) James Mac Gaw – “Anticipe du […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #401 (Here Come The Rooster)

February 2, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #401 (Here Come The Rooster) After the 400th show celebration, it’s time to get back to the business of playing great new music… and featuring a Golden Tracks album that’s turning 50 years old. Don’t miss this one… there are some good jams here! PLAYLIST: Atomic Rooster – “Sleeping For Years” […]


January 26, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #400 (The Big 4-0-0!) Another milestone ProgTracks show… one that Mike never dreamed he’d reach. But he did… and he’s playing epics, both classic and new, to celebrate! [BTW, that’s a classic 1967 Pontiac Firebird 400, proving Mike is really old]. PLAYLIST: The Pneumatic Transit – “Shipyard Dawn” from Nimoy on […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #399 (Turning The Corner…)

January 19, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #39 (Turning The Corner…) What do you do when you’re turning the corner from the 300’s to the 400’s… and you find yourself in a corner, as to what to play? You play lots of great new music, of course!  Join Mike to hear stuff you haven’t heard… yet. PLAYLIST: Michele Conta […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #398 (2021… A New Beginning?)

January 12, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #398 (2021… A New Beginning?) 2020 is history!  We start a new year on the show this week. Let’s start ‘fresh… But can we? PLAYLIST: Bill Laswell – “Nothing” from City of Light on Sub rosa (1997) Devo – “Beautiful World” from New Traditionalists on Warner (1981) Gerard Smith – “Waves of […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #397 (ProgTracks’ Best of 2020)

January 5, 2021

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #397 (ProgTracks’ Best of 2020) 2020 is basically history! That’s the FIRST good news. Another bit of good news is that, despite all the bad in 2020… the circumstances seemed to be a boon to music artists’ creativity. There was a TON of great music made in 2020… and we’re going […]

PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #396 (Last New Music of 2020)

December 29, 2020

THE PROGRESSIVE TRACKS SHOW #396 (Last New Music of 2020) I’ll take this opportunity to express my heartfelt appreciation for all the artists who have not only persevered through this pandemic, but seemed to thrive on the alternating chaos and isolation. We’re all better for your creative efforts. This week we explore more of this […]