Stevie-Iona’s Prog Songs 14.05.2023

Hello and greetings. Here is some fantastic news she says taking the p… out of herself as usual. So the amazing news is: here is the playlist for Stevie-Iona’s Prog Songs for Sunday 14.05.2023 and all subsequent broadcasts and podcasts. I also love you all so. XXX.
  1. Supertramp, Take The Long Way Home.
  2. Rush The Analog Kid.
  3. Renaissance, The Winter Tree. Note, the middle syllable of this band is pronounced to sound like or rhyme with, pain not pen, OK Good.
4. riverside, The Place Where I Belong.
5. Outstation, Captured.
6. Outstation, Stardust And Starlight.
7. Nate Wood, Peace In Family.
8. Tangerine Dream, Tangram Part 1. Note it goes on for ages, Lovely!
9. Nick Fletcher, Dance Of The Eagle And The Elk. Note solo guitar track, also Lovely!
10. Tristan Banks, View From Above.
11. Tristan Banks, Capelinhas.
12. Tony Banks, After The Lie.
13. Hatfield And The North, Mumps. Note, a nasty thing to get.
14. Needlepoint, Web Of Worry.
15. Closing Music, Dave Weckl, Softly As In A Morning Sunrise.
Take care good people!